Publicações · 07/12/2015

The Making of Place

O Pro­jec­to de Re­qua­li­fi­ca­ção das Ar­ri­bas da Foz do Are­lho in­te­gra o li­vro The Ma­king of Pla­ce : Mo­dern and Con­tem­po­rary Gar­dens do his­to­ri­a­dor e teó­ri­co John Di­xon Hunt, pu­bli­ca­do pe­la edi­to­ra Re­ak­ti­on Books.

Mais in­for­ma­ção :
The Ma­king of Pla­ce : Mo­dern and Con­tem­po­rary Gardens

The Pro­jec­to de Re­qua­li­fi­ca­ção das Ar­ri­bas da Foz do Are­lho was se­lec­ted to be part of the bo­ok The Ma­king of Pla­ce : Mo­dern and Con­tem­po­rary Gar­dens, writ­ten by the his­to­ri­an and the­o­rist, John Di­xon Hubt, pu­blished by Re­ak­ti­on Books.

Mo­re info :
The Ma­king of Pla­ce : Mo­dern and Con­tem­po­rary Gardens